Why You should Generate Visual Content to Brand your Company

Relevant content and quality writing drives effective marketing, however, visual content is also crucial for building a lasting relationship with your customers. Today’s digital age demands better means to transfer messages. With the increase in the use of visual social media platforms such as Instagram and Pinterest, B2B marketers can grow their businesses faster than ever before. Both these tools provide endless opportunities for B2B marketing, as they are simple to use and are quickly becoming central to successful visual content marketing strategies.   Read the rest of this entry »

Tracking a Digital Footprint

With the technology that is available to us today, companies have access to a wide range of tools (a.k.a analytical programs) that keep track of and measure public conversations about a company. For the purpose of this post, I will be focusing on the digital conversation (i.e. tweets, blog posts, forum posts and Facebook mentions about a company). Read the rest of this entry »

Modern Marketing Metrics

Today, we see more businesses shifting to a modern marketing approach (for example, using social media and digital advertising to direct customers to a company website). And with this shift, there is an impending need to identify the appropriate metrics (for example, the number of visitors to a company website or the number of links from a social media site to a company website) that will effectively measure a company’s success and progress. Read the rest of this entry »