What NOT To Do

Ok, so this may seem like common sense, but here are a few things no PR person should ever do, and yes, I’ve seen these before.

So here it goes. A list of things to avoid: Read the rest of this entry »

When to Effect a Change in Your Grammar

With so many nuances and tricks to remember within the English language it’s easy to make a mistake.  Following a previous blog entry with AP Style guide tips, I wanted to add a few more tips for writing challenges that everyone can struggle with at times.

How does grammar effect how a news release is read, or will it affect it at all? Read the rest of this entry »

How To Write a Press Release: The Video Version

I know that we all learn in different ways, so when I came across this video I had to post it for all of you audio/visual people. I think all of the tips in here are on target and I hope you enjoy it!

Let me know what you thought of this video.